Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Party at Portland Art Museum

Most people don't think of tropical flowers for a Christmas party, IDI Distributors in Portland wanted something less traditional for their holiday party. Melissa Bryan from Lush Parties and Events came up with the colors and together we collaborated on the design and feel for this party.
Up lighting can make a big difference to a large space.

Rich browns, reds and burgundy made for a rich color pallet. Along with the warm uplighting, this event was one to remember.
We used ginger, anthiriums, orchids, tropical leaves, roses and Christmas ornaments for a touch of the holidays.

This is a touch of floral design meets museum piece. In this arrangement we framed a hand painted image of an urn then added fresh flowers to make a unique display that was the focal point above the bar as well as another one that was displayed in the entryway.

1 comment:

  1. This is a fabulous Christmas party! I just loved party decorations. At one of domestic San Francisco venues we too had blasting family bash. It had a disco theme and we had hired a popular DJ too for celebration bash. Enjoyed it a lot.
